SS Navy Furniture
This replica collection is totally made by commercial quality stainless steel, we pride ourselves on our huge range of Chairs, all available at an affordable price to you. We offer chairs for every environment from dining chairs and kitchen chairs for your home, outdoor chairs for your patio, and stackable chairs for cafe use. Most of our chairs are replicas of famous designs, like Navy chair, Hudson chair, Tolix chair, Iron chair, Kong chair, etc. They are manufactured carefully to the original specifications, you will find they are valuable to buy.
SS Navy Chairs
Emeco Navy chairs are not only existed with aluminum but stainless steel material. This famous and traditional series include Navy chair, Heritage chair, Hudson chair, Icon chair, Kong chair, Deja Vu Chair…There are usual two different top finishes, for chair, counter stools and bar stools: brush and polish, which keep the metal itself color, just meet the requests of young and fashion people.
Stainless steel versatile chairs and stools are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use because of special features of stainless steel, we use commercial grades material for our furniture, Navy chairs now are widely used in restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels, it’s a sign of fashion.
SS Navy Stools
Navy stools are also not only existed with aluminum but stainless steel material. These stools are usual two different top finishes: brush and polish, which keep the metal itself color, just meet the requests of young and fashion people.
Stainless steel bar stools can be used both inside and outside, and with its sleek lines and timeless appeal will suit a modern environment. Built for comfort, the low back and elegant lines will suit your wooden or modern dining table.
SS Navy Tables
Stainless steel tables are with commercial grades materials, they also have two different top finishes: brush and polish, which keep the metal itself color. Stainless steel tables are suitable for both outdoor and indoor use because of special features of stainless steel, they are widely used in cafes, restaurants, bars and hotels such dining places.